Just watching the closing Olympics closing ceremony the blonde fat quiff who sang out of tune.. Liked the beatle quire touch… Winston churchill Mmm shite .. The royals ? Right in news fukin paper ?.. Batman and robin great? Madness are great ! Blur? Your fuckin jokin? Pet shop boys can’t sing .. One direction not bad for backin tracks .. Fuk off stomp .. A day in the life 🙂 .. Waterloo sunset nice 🙂 .. Oo quifs on again singin out of tune awful .. Imagine we all love Lennon amen xx .. Freedom George get back in the toilets your shite. Mods on the scooters cool !! Should have had a decent band playing pinball wizard sounded like karaoke .. Kate looked hot on the pictures and in the skin x .. But fuk of bowie and lenox why ain’t you dead yet ? .. Miming like a right bitch. Ginger boy looks a dick in red sneakers and joggy and killed my pink floyd song for ever prick .. More killed Beatles songs .. Mimed of course .. Oh no it’s that little twat from the house martins turn it in -> shite. What dribble- Jessie j looked cool and sang great !! Fair play good lass xx nice Bentley 😉 xx tinie tepath die please you are one toned absolute shite. Taio cruz not bad a few more lessons you’ll be fine!! Ha .. Spice girls looking old now girl power not bad for old girls on the block 😉 bad mic mix.. Ginger looks better blonde.. Beady eye my best band sang a old oasis song fuck that old shite should have done rock and roll star fair play still the coolest band on the planet xxxxxx always look on the bright side of life if you die. Muse are trying to look like rock gods which they clearly ain’t just gay latchers music I hate deep Tom jones opera style singing vocals fuck off and learn a decent guitar lick cock sucker. Oh no aids victim freddy at least brian looks like he came back from the future using loads of guitar effects to sound half decent ? Boring.. Jessie j you sold out to the old timers 😉 x. Choir die ., I missed the who but judging from this whole piece of shit I’d rather die / total piece of shite from the beginning what a farce / I love beady eye but they were pushed into playing some old song that is beneath them so fair play all the rest of the show I regard as a pile of shit apart from Jessie J and that’s saying a lot for me! She looks great and sings great – spice girls just retire please as well as take that you are old and crap. That’s my 20 minute fast forward through the biggest pile of shit ever released on television – Wayne Ward -> over and out


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