I knew i was right – our little friend gets the boot from his own company and his little follower goes aswell – that was so on the cards – like i said how sad it is when you can only keep your job because your up someones asssss!!! so what next? get a job at your best m8’s new company? or maybe be a man and get a job you can do properly and on your own two feet – oh i forgot that takes time effort and one thing you may notice you may be lacking ….

intelligence and brains

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

it aint no good driving passed me in a clapped out vw listening to your G shite music what I write on here is the truth im so sorry that you cant take it booo whoooo 🙁

apart from all that my business is boooming – keep the work coming in – took the weekend off which you can do when you are your own boss 🙂

keep your eye on this blog I might change the name to bum watch!!! 🙂

(UPDATE) I wonder who is next …….


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