its funny how news spreads from social media to the point when i rang up to order take away food from one of the best food places in lancaster they asked the story! im getting more hits on my blog daily for ann morris who is the woman who i tried to deal with regarding the made up story in the business matters magazine which is distributed to local businesses in lancaster and morecambe which basically contain fabricated stories which the magazine doesnt check up on and they dont care if they are letting somebody try and ruin somebodies reputation if they chuck them a few quid for advertising! she even said on the phone to somebody who enquired that they have underhanded and corrupt members on the chamber and she cant help that!! well now when people are looking for the chamber or for ann they are getting my blog as its er number 6 in google and they can see lies and liar on the keywords so then they question this and ask me either by email or by phone and at least they are getting some truth which hopefully stops them joining a cause which is underhanded. If you want more information on the story which was published please contact me, i will tell you the real truth! how they got the story in what it is about and who was really doing what! and there is more the last person I told the whole story to they said its better reading than the sun news paper which ann like to compare her magazine to !!! ….

oh and while im on about dodgy business men who think they can throw out the trash !! ha ha… proper useless IT geezers…

also beware IT people who get stuart errington in from bowkers he tells the people a load of coblers that the network aint safe and hasnt got a clue how to fix it he has to ring people and get them to explain over the phone! ha, i got him in and said id do it as a favour because i knew him from school.. but when the system did go wrong i had to ring him from my holiday to explain how to fix it, talk him through it!! so watch it its alright talking the talk but get him to re-mount a drive on a linux box which he said he can do and watch him sweat!!!


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