Its been a while im afraid!! I hardly get to use the computers much in the hot weather .. But its cooled down now so its not bad using the computers plus I got a new black out blind fitted on the office for next year so I can still work on websites in the office in the blinding heat!! A few changes music and technology wise! Like my last post states I switched my whole infrastructure to apple that includes watch .. tablets .. phones .. TV´s Computers and laptops! now its made a big difference to the way I now work and I’ve streamlined all my apps I need mainly on the phone / tablet to get he results I need for my profesional singing career and for the businesses I run here now in Spain. Im gong to compile a list of apps and make a blog for this hopefully next week… watch this space! One big change I did make was on the Apple TV´s when I set them up I tell the boxes im in there UK otherwise if you let it pick Spain you get no Siri and no UK TV integration. So with he box thinking UK I just setup a two year getflix and for like 50 quid! all my boxes are in the UK giving me all the usual channels and catch up etc … and I installed TV plus app costs 6 a month but get all the extra channels like spike and other goodies with a guide .. plus I installed classix and popcorn movies for all the extras with a plex client with ducky tv on the iMac pulling all my favourite tv shows which it tracks this from my trakt account … nice rig out! 

Music wise ive just joined something I can tell you about this week but its big.. so watch my next blog!! I now changed my main job to professional musician as I do shows medium to large at least six a week… sometimes I do 7 over 6 days.. im fully booked out over xmas and I have lots of bars and acts im connected to so ive decided to open my old gig seek music business again for the new year and have some greats acts signed up already…. im still working on my beatle one show for the new year this should be ready for February which is a 1.30 hour beatle show story from the beginning to the end of the beatle career! its going to be great .. this will all run from MainStage 3 on my Mac book pro using this for the backing tracks and vocal effects and then using amplitude for the guitar effects with my external rubix 22 sound card and the FCB1010 midi floor controller!  So watch out for my new music news … and watch out for gigseek…


As far as life goes its been great we have been here in Spain for just under two years. I have to say its been great we have really settled now and have really good friends and neighbours. Recently my son came to visit us with his partner Rhianna who is soon going to have a baby boy! Was great to catch up with them. My dads here next which im looking forward too and my good friend Pud and Lorraine which im planning to take a few days out myself and spend sometime with them maybe up the coast!…. Some of good friends we got really close to just moved up the coast with a career change we will sadly miss you guys and we will try come see you as much you can! We have a weekly Monday Club were all good friends meet and talk and have good food .. these Monday’s won’t be the same with out you guys! One thins we found is we can have the best life here all we have to do is avoid negativity, envy or jealousy which im afraid you can get moving to another country specially if its a lot better and a lot better climate than others.. but thats the way it is, I do wish everybody is happy in there life and with every body the best and peace and love – be happy… stay happy and try and love your family you never know what’s around the corner – try and loose any of what I have said and try and be positive for the new year !! …… I have to say with life the way it is im finding I have later nights .. get up a tad later and do a lot of local shopping and using fresh produce to cook food most days which is very enjoyable !! Its nice at the moment as the weather has cooled especially at night so we get to sleep well! it won’t be long till we are back in the oven !! Last few years we have had xmas day on the beach and then curry and beer… its kind of looking similar this year but im booked in land for a xmas party! so curry and a show inland sounds good to me!! 

all you need is love…all the best in your xmas and all the best for your new year .. keep the faith and keep direction if you want something in life… 

wayne ward beatle
the Monday clubs founders 🙂

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