399First we get gOS – the google search engine the most popular search engine on the internet – next we get google gadgets for the desktop and igoogle – then we get google desktop and google office!! wow they are really going to town..
Thats not it we then get the new chromium google web browser which currently i a massive bit of kit to download to compile on linux! (450 meg) now we also have gOS the google operating system based on linux with all the google tools built in!! wicked but what ties it all together?
Andoid is the answer – yep the new google phone available next month from T mobile – its features are awsome – now tie that in with all the other tools i just talked about could just toe them into the door for being the leaders of all operating systems – if google puts microoft out of the picture at least we will get all this built on linux boxes so we gain security and stability – my fingers are crossed – its on the cards watch this space – long live google.

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