here is some of the photos from glastonbobby 2012, great little festival organised by fionas cousin for his 50th birthday party! two days of camping, boozing and bands! have to say the line up was great and was great to catch up with all fionas family. Plus we went on the vespa P200 loaded up with goods and tent which made it more fun for us!! – Here you go some family pics.. my favourite band was carpe diem great mixture of funk, soul, rap and reggae music all in one band! had a great time cheers andy for snoring and then cheers to fiona and andy for the snoring duo! no wonder nobody pitched there tent next door to andys!!! ha ha 🙂 Check out the drinking hat i loaded one side with stella lager and the other side with stella cidre! the only problem is you cant stop the flow so before you know it your really pissed! im not complaining !!!!


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