got pulled other week for being on my mobile, fair enough hold my hands up so take the 3 points on the chin. but then he says my licence is revoked and has been since 2005. Now since 2005 ive been to court for speeding my licence was sent back to dvla for points and returned active to me, also in the meantime ive rang dvla to check my licence status and also for points and have never been told the licence was revoked not even when i ve been pulled for routine checks since 2005! even my insurance company who check your licence didnt get any indication and cant understand how this happend, i called dvla and they accept no responsibilities and indicate that the department that puts points on is different from the department that revokes, so if you send your licence back for points and your licence is revoke that are so stupid and disorganised to un-revoke the licence even though they get both parts of the licence! which thats why it was revoked in 2005 apparantly!!! so the police remove my car which costs 150 get out and at a rate of 20 pounds a day storage, so i take a trader who is insured to drive and vechile to drive the car from the pound and the police wont accept his insurance as they want my insurance company to add him to my insurance and you have to tell the insurance company it is to get it out of the pound! which is a massive no no! the insurnace company wants and written explanation then they want to review and the cars going up at 20 a day and you have 14 days!! so i decice to bite it as its to much hassle so then when i ask for my new tax disk back at mac adams they want me to sign my car over to them then i can says dick turpin! then i get a fat fine!!! and 9 points!! the system is dangerous and fails to serve us properly. BEWARE ring dvla and ask if your revoked cause if you are you are screwed and you dont even know it!!!!


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