looks like the chamber of lies are not playing ball so they fueled me to build a website to display how companies can make up bullshit in individuals and get away with it! fucking piss take, so for one thing if you join the chamber of commerce and read there magazines you could be reading made up bullshit as they don’t check it and another they don’t care who it is directed at. Also if somebody has something against you and they know a member in the chamber they can use them to print stuff and they are corrupt, they tell me they are going to a board meeting about it, bullshit. Screw this watch what i do next ha ha ha -> they started some real shit here……..

lets see what they come back with I’m wasting my time with them they aint going to apologise for printing lies and bullshit, I’m waiting for a reply from ann morris, then ill take action.

ohh and they also blocked me from there Facebook group for stating this, don’t read there stories they are lies and not true.


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