ive had a couple of emails and a phone call regarding my posts on my blog regarding the story that was targeted against me back in 2006 already! the first person couldnt believe it and said this should not be allowed. The second person actually called the chamber and ask some simple questions which they brought up two points which put them of joining.

Ann Morris said on the phone to them that the individual was sad for bringing it up! (which would be different if it was her!)

And ann morris compared the magazine to the sun news paper and that certain stories or probably most stories in the sun maybe fabricated or false, but how can we put trust in a local organisation publishing stories that for one isnt true and another being directed at a indavidual? take it this way -> your boss or organisation gets pissed off with you sacks you then puts you in a magazine because you join the organisation and he is notified by a corrupt member.. then when you get the magazine they own it in the way of advertising and then they try to make you look bad by writing made up articles… specially when they know fine well they have been carrying out social engineering and unauthorised access themselves! …..

Ive had a email from ann morris who cant understand why im angry basically saying she wants no more emails from me (brush under the carpet) and id if i want to pursue this she wasnts to talk to my solicitor next.. well if you read the article it states its a open article and its states firmly -> HAVE YOUR SAY, I dont think so otherwise you’d let me have my say and you clearly won’t. So my say will be on a website that will be optimised to the top of the search engine so people can read the truth and im free to be contacted like the two people so far who are disgusted by it all.

I sent a copy of the magazine to person number two and they were disgusted by the way they let the magazine write the articles with a made up name so the person who created couldnt be done for using a alias and then i stated that the guy who took over the IT who doesnt have a clue a real bull shitter had the page after with a article stating throw out the trash!

The thing is i will reveal all the truth in the website about who was doing the real naughty stuff and who was in charge off it and also the other stuff that was going on, a real scandal….  if you are a local magazine or journalist please feel free to contact me for the story of the year or even the daily mail….


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