well popped out saturday to watch my mates band in ma’ murpheys ony when i got to the gig it wasnt them as they was at the battery! ha the band were’nt bad doing new stuff killers and muse just lacked harmonies and the guitar wasnt loud enough…. stayed for a pint and went and met sme of the lads but one of em was pissed and was starting fights so i jumped a taxi home so that was a total waste of time!! so decided to do sunday instead! went to see the citizens band at the park hotel and they sounded bloody well good time served musicians ! then popped down to ma murpheys again to watch the bottle necks but 24/7 were on and the bottle necks had been on during the day and there had also been bands on at the three mariners lancaster! the problem is we need one person to advertise the events for everything around here instead of all the indaviduals who are having a damn good go but just not cutting it as covering every thing is a damn hard job… although i think ron johnson does a damn good job on lunve valley site!! and im waiting for enigma entertainments to launch as they say they are going to cover all the events……
just doing a review of tyre suppliers in the area after trying to buy two new tyres for the range and not getting much luck so i will blog this next…. cant get the staff!?…
well ive put all seeking musicians on hold for a week or so as ive got a audition with a touring band playing big venues – ill be playing guitar for a change and some lead and backing vocals! about time i got a break ill keep you posted but at least it means i wont have to play round here! although i do like a jam on a sunday with my bezzzzi m8 dan and the boys!!
so looking forward to my partner coming from the states and going to see denny laine at the cavern i cant sleep at night! ha – apart from that work is good – my playin is good – life is real good.

dont forget i love you all even the people have nowt better to do than cause trouble on facebook! i stilll love you – we are put on this planet once i dont hold grudges ha!….

love the wardster 🙂



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