I tested three backup software programs – i wanted multiplatform – iphone client – reliable and fast back up – easy software – good prices

the failures-> spider oak and sugar sync
the winner -> safe copy!!!

spider oak fails to backup most of the time and the gui is awful – the iphone client sends the link for the file you want to restore but the link fails with file not found – just all round crap – the support team are actually alive and respond the next day which isnt bad but ive read bad reports of people loosing lots ot data so steer clear if you ask me…

Sugar sync!! what a joke ! i got the software on the iphone and computer – setup the account – it asks for activation – activate from link sent be email – still cant login – tried 5 times still no luck – sent email to support – no reply in 2 days still – utter crap.

Safe copy – easy install – looks after itself – 3 gig free!! 150 $50 – file versioning – iphone client works a treat!! no hassle – as many machines as you like added to the one account – this software rocks !!! upload through software or through a browser – easy restore!! – sent recovery files through iphone app and link works perfect!! 100%


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