hey wardster blog lovers sending out some love to you all
Just sat taking a day off listening to some new music that i got this week then im going to take a hour on the strat it got restrung the other night and just sounds awsome with some new ones on 🙂 here is my old step by step re-string

  • remove old strings
  • polish guitar
  • polish frets
  • tighten all loose screws
  • put on new strings
  • tune
  • stretch strings
  • re-tune
  • check 12 fret tuning
  • cut strings to size @ headstock
  • sorted

that was sooooo gay

anyway bit sick i had to work yesterday instead of being at my mates wedding – at least i can take the suit back and get my dosh back ha ha
just looking at some tyres for the range rover – expensive but what the hell its not every day you can ride so hight – quality vehicle
got some new clients onboard this week – some good companies and some really nice people from out of town – really worked my ass of but its all good im not complaining means i spend some more money on ebay! ha ha
the band stuff is looking good – im glad to be going back out with jimmy in revival – we have gigs coming up… watch this space..
the band im putting together is looking good im just struggling for the front man which yes may take me a while but i want to shock this little town before i take this band to the places all musos round here want a piece of…
just got my registration doc back finally means i get my personal plate fired on – get some new plates made for the rangie and the caravan and not to forget the trailer !! hell change my middle name to tommy! ha ha!
getting ready for my iphone 4 should be here next week watch this space!

all my love goes out to wardster fans – wardism is cool


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