it all started friday – got a message asking me if i could do les’s birthday at the nellie so me and dan had a stormer there was another act on 1st so we didnt hit the stage till about 11 !! plenty of ska and some hendrix – went down a storm – didnt do i saw her standing there or like dumb asses call it just 17 becuase i dont do that anymore that so like ten years ago – get ya timing right before you slag others! ha oh im 38.
so yer had a top one seen loads of good friends out had some hot pot yum yum our gary was out and our james had a good few beers and we was the last ones out!
had a night of saturday night our scott come over and lind and cheree what a lovely little lass she is funny! we ordered pizza and had the crack – what a good lad our scott his nice to have decent family around me couldnt have asked for a better nephew. Anyway sunday listen to a bit of beat club before i went out great 60’s program with small faces – the bee gees and go go dancers simply amazing times in the sixties would have been nice to share this time.
anyway got to the park for around two and took the fretless and the octave pedal of course as they go cap in hand! knocked some pino parts out on my warm up which frank the drummer liked bit of slap with some octave on the fretless does sound great! played a good few sets did some blues and rock and roll – we play all genres thats why were better than the rest! me and dan had a good chat last night and we know thats why we have the edge on “the others” great being a real muso.
Golly hit the stage with derek on vocals sounded bloody great and then dougie mckinnell hit the stage and sang with citizens band which was damn good. Our gaz and james came to see us which was great! Also good to see john ellison and alan crookal – what a good laugh! I hope bob luptons ok as he came in with a patch on his eye which didnt look good… john jeffries spot was a nice contrast plenty of acoustic guitar!! Then we headed down to the ma murpheys as loads of good bands were on during the day – good to catch up with all my decent like minded musician mates 🙂 bloody great night – dan treat me to a burger and i went home 🙂
So great weekend apart from reading what the little trolls have been writing so Ive removed any connected with that lot from my facebook which was hard because its hard to pick out the bad people from the good – so im afraid ive had to remove decent people which i have doubts about… we will see im not that arsed about having a facebook account really.
Start a new job this week after being head hunted again for my multi platform talents which is good – see how we get on…
looking forward to rehearsal 2morro night its great working with the new setup – learning songs properly is good and not having to blag it and play it all wrong is a bonus – the songs are awsome – just keep watching this space for exclusive news ………..

“Worthless people blame their karma.”


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