Still busy as hell! Thought I’d try a blog on the iPhone while taking a crap! Things have quietend down with work for a few days so been spending some time getting the new iPhone 3gs setup don’t you just love a new phone number!! Lovely phone faster than the 3g anyway 🙂
Looking forward to weekend my dads taking me to liverpool for my birthday which should be good for us both will cheer him up he has had some hard times lately and the family stuff has got him down again which isn’t fair 🙁
So a good few beers and the crack should get h back to normal….
Playing over the weekend and I’m playing bass and singing which I haven’t don’t for a couple of month should be good!! I’m not taking the status I’m preparing to swap this for an alembic so I’m not getting Attached!!
Just looking round at new means of transport to move the caravan around now we have the nice weather / we hVe found some great sites for us to get away which I’m so looking forward too… We are looking around again at new places to live as we Are getting to the point when the kids are going to leave home soon / so yes we Re going for the country house like we should have 6 or seven years ago! We won’t be sad to leave old Lancaster behind I’ll tell you 😉
I’ll still play with my dad in the duo as it’s top notch!
Plus I’ve got good news for the new band! I have found a drummer is A1 top notch / very tight drummer intact rock solid top of the range D W kit and he can sing!! So just a guitarist now and a singer / no rush we need the best in town…. Watch this space
So all is good / intact it’s never been better 🙂
See you all soon peeps XXXXXXX


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