well ive been busy as hell with work and now looking forward to having our jake onboard with me
going to look at some cars today !! as ours is a tad stuck together with gaffa tape and cable ties..
got some interesting gigs in for me and my dad out of town which to be honest I prefer – looking forward to it so much
I light of recent happenings with the band/family i have decided to just drop all this and people tied with it from my memory
im sorry it ended up this way but shit happens so have a happy life.
got some new guys interested in the new band which are very talented musicians so im hanging around and hoping this comes off
im in no rush I just want it to be right – im going to take this band to high places and wont be playing in this area only big gigs.
Went to watch some good bands sunday – the section played well in the john o gaunt lancaster and then on to the pub to watch some rock band which were spot on they did some zeppelin tunes which were spot on – very tight and the vocalist could well cut it! – me and our lass were pretty well pissed by half twelve so got a taxi home were we had a crazy toy fight and fell asleep listening to some pink floyd – quality times. Ive decided to shy off facebook as its just a hole for people to start shit – its quite suprising the people stoop to on there statuses! oh well they well burn in hell with lucifer 😉 i wonder if the little shit stirrers would be happy paying a fee for facebook because thats all the likes of them are creating facebook todo – stirrers – murders there all on facebook is like a little breeding ground for the sad twats!
Well im going to look at some cards with our lass and get some shopping and visit my mum/paula and tony for a little catch up…
Ive got a full week on this week of work and need to paint my dining room and kitchen after the kitchen re-fit which david has done a nice job! he is that honest if you pay him he actually comes back and finishes the job! most people just get the money and run ey…!
Was a bit gutted to get the last minute cancelation at the globe on saturday were ready for it although it doesnt matter the gigs we have coming up are great places and out of this hell hole = no trouble 🙂


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