Here is a list of my top iOS apps from my first screen!

Apart from the usual Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and WhatsApp there are other great apps out there I got google translate I use every day but here is some you might find interesting and why I like them.  Also most apps I try go for a fair priced with iPad and Apple Watch and Apple TV support as well if possible and Mac support as well.


awesome journal application !! I journal privately everyday and this has it all and with just a one of payment per device! I don’t want to pay 30 or 50 for a journal online! So diarium you get the app for free if you like it pay a fiver! and on iOS I get it on iPad and iPhone and then I just sync through dropbox! Works 100% some of the features include journal add photos, videos, audio notes! ratings, location tags and name tags! yup this has it all and more! Because of the location you can easily see various places you journaled from easily on the map. The import function is the best I found and managed to get all my old journals in from various journaling apps! At first it wasnt very clear to hold on each dot on the calendar to do multiple journals in a day but once I figured that oooo weeee! I think this is the best I used… so what’s it lacking? this is available on iOS, Android… windows !! but no Mac app that has to loose that big start that would give this app a five start rating! also have to say the support is damn good!

Update!! after I wrote this timo released a Mac version which cost me 8.99 for the full pro version! amazing this is! soo….


Blog Touch

awesome blog editor I use on iOS. Great on iPhone and iPad. Ive been building up my blogs on my iOS iPad device to  draft and then later publishing and running any final tweaks from webpage. It has it all!! and it costs around  five pounds! The original WordPress app is just not working right and never has for some reason! So this does actually cut it and has everything you need! Now this could have a five star rating but!!.. one of my most needed features is having a featured image on the blog and the app doesn’t have it!!! im like noooooo! this isn’t a show stopper but needs implementing ASAP! ive talked to support and again great support and he says this will be implemented soon! then this would be the feature packed WordPress blogging tool with five stars! check it out


Lovely movie and tv show tracker with Trakt plugin, I like this as its modern look and movie / tv show discovery is amazing shows you trending movies and shows from lots of different sources ! Great calendar layout off what’s coming up and personal show notes is great! Im using the pending ratings for all the stuff I watched and never rated! Great search facility for shows, movies or by name! I was using TVST which I paid for but the widget didn’t show images and could get good support so dropped it! Now TVsofa hasn’t got a widget but I talked to support and the support is very good and said they will develop the widget!! So I went with this app as preferred the layout and the good support! so it lacks a wiget and can’t seem to leave comments on individual shows but don’t think you can on other apps… So for now ill use the TeeVee Widget with this app until these deliver the great widget!! so four out of five!



This is a awesome app for people who have a sonarr, radarr or lidarr setup or all of them! plus has a connections to either nzbget or sabnzbd. This is probably the only app you will find on iOS shy of using a web browser to control your downloads! There was one more app kicking around called adderr which stopped development in January 2020 im not sure if they stopped making it. I love this app it just does everything required for adding movies and tv shows and downloading plus you can turn off monitoring of shows and movies. Its nice being able to see them coming down live and pause if required and see a back log of what’s been downloaded. A really handy calendar to track what you have coming up. Easy to configure and a drop box to switch internal and external network ( I asked if they could switch auto if you told it what your wireless connection was) I want to give this 5 stars but its still in testing and im just waiting to come up with some stupid monthly payment to use the app… if they do ill dump it if they offer a realistic price as a one off ill buy it ! so we see it could hit 5 stars soon!! comes with iPad version currently free and you can sign to the TestFlight version to help to with this. check it out here

this is part one of three here is a taste of what’s to come 

Things, Reddit, Snapseed, Calendar5 , Bring!, Retouch, Phonto, Tadaa, Jump Desktop


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