Looking at getting your Ubuntu M10 Printer Setup?

well before i start then i have to warn you that to do so you have to make your device RW now i wont tell you how to do that as if you dont then im sure you wont be able to do the rest !

Now there is printing support on the way ive been told and also its working for me but not fully, i have installed a sharp printer which can use generic driver and printed perfect but with the brother mfc7400n this requires a cupswrapper which is only available for 32/64 bit systems and the ubuntu tablet is arm, although ive taken a look at the source code which brother supply will look at rolling some debs for my tablet.

So once you have made the tablet RW you open the terminal and use the command sudo apt-get install cupsd      this installs the main cups server in the tablet and should automatically start the service if it doesnt then sudo service cupsd start  this should get the service up  and running. The next part i installed the gnome print manager in a libertine container as there is no front end yet for printers on UT, so i run this command: libertine-container-manager install-package -i vivid -p system-config-printer-gnome
now this is only assuming you have setup a extra container called vivid if the container is called something else just change the word vivid in the command to your container, if you havent setup a container then do this:

cd ~/.local/share/libertine
rm ContainersConfig.json
cp /custom/click/.click/users/@all/com.ubuntu.puritine/libertine-config/libertine/ContainersConfig.json .
libertine-container-manager create -i vivid -n “vivid” -t chroot -d vivid –force

once you have the cups server and the client in the libertine container setup you should see thisubuntu m10 cups

I then went to add printer and selected network printer were it search and found the sharp printer and selected generic driver and printer a test page !!

Im looking at these next:

  • DVD Writing support
  • MAME Game Emulator

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